Laura Coburn

Entrepreneur, Yogi, Teacher, Traveler, Cook

This personal website is a platform for me to share my thoughts about life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Much of my time is spent serving in the capacity of Director of Serenity at the Inns of Aurora on Cayuga Lake.

I founded and still own a design and marketing firm — Coburn Design, Inc. in 1992. While I am still involved it is in the able hands of Chris Madden and Natalie Kimbrough. I also teach yoga under the brand Eka. You can find out more about my teaching at Eka's web site.

Finding yoga

When I first came to yoga I was grieving. In the two years prior I had witnessed my Father's last breath, and that of my beloved dog Franklin, learned my husband had a profound medical condition and that I was harboring a very large uterine fibroid that indicated a hysterectomy. I was randomly audited by the IRS and put another, newly adopted, dog to sleep. My hips and knees hurt, I had back pain, as well as allergies and I was frequently ill with sinus and respiratory infections. It was a pretty intense run. I was looking for something, something greater than my small self. I had participated in traditional "talk therapy" and had availed myself of the guidance of a personal trainer. Both great gifts but they did not satisfy the desire within to connect to my greater self. I had been studying Reiki and was on my way to my Master Level when I found yoga. I remember my first yoga class. It felt like coming home. It was what my mind and body naturally wanted to do. Yoga was the thing, and still is. Through my practice I began to connect to my body and it was a challenge. My joint pain, illnesses, and roundness, made it difficult to bend and balance. My busy mind and addiction to drama made it difficult to quiet my mind. By the grace of God and my own invincible spirit I kept showing up. During the ensuing years I had my ups and downs. I went a entire year loathing my practice. I kept showing up. As illusions melted away and my mind became more trained I discovered my true nature. I also became friends with my body and began to love myself. I am more confident and more compassionate and I take greater care of my body and my relationships. I also still overindulge, use my words unskillfully, let myself and others down, ingest things that don't edify my body and also resist my practice. I keep showing up and with compassion — I witness and address the fears that drive me in the opposite direction of enlightenment. I practice yoga and it has made all the difference in the world. As my husband is given to say, "yoga is the way."